What is an Underbody Car Wash? Pros, Cons, Price, Etc.

An underbody car wash is a type of car wash that focuses on cleaning the underside of a vehicle and extends your vehicle’s lifespan. The undercarriage of a car is often exposed to dirt, salt, road grime, and other debris, especially in areas with harsh weather conditions or where roads are treated with de-icing agents.

Over time, these contaminants can accumulate on the undercarriage, leading to corrosion and damage to the vehicle chassis, surface or body parts.

An underbody car wash typically involves using high-pressure water jets to clean the underside of the vehicle. Some car wash facilities have specialized equipment that allows them to reach and clean areas that are not easily accessible by hand.

The goal is to remove dirt, salt, and other corrosive materials to help prevent rust and corrosion, ultimately extending the lifespan of the vehicle.

Keeping the undercarriage clean can contribute to the overall maintenance and longevity of the vehicle. Many modern car wash facilities offer underbody cleaning as part of their services, and some automatic car wash systems include an undercarriage wash feature.

Let’s understand more details!

Pros of Underbody Car Wash

  • Corrosion Prevention: It removes corrosive substances such as road salt, dirt, and grime, preventing rust and corrosion on the undercarriage. It also extends the lifespan of the vehicle by preserving the integrity of structural components.
  • Extended Vehicle Lifespan: Regular cleaning reduces the likelihood of premature wear on undercarriage components, contributing to the overall longevity of the vehicle.
  • Improved Resale Value: Well-maintained undercarriage enhances the visual appeal of the vehicle, potentially increasing its resale value.
  • Enhanced Performance: This wash allows crucial components like suspension parts, exhaust systems, and brake lines to function more efficiently. It also helps prevent malfunctions by keeping components free from debris and contaminants.
  • Visual Inspection Opportunity: Provides an opportunity for a visual inspection of the undercarriage, allowing early identification of potential issues or damage.
  • Reduced Repair Costs: Regular underbody car washes can help prevent costly repairs associated with rust and corrosion damage.
  • Maintains Aesthetics: Contributes to the overall cleanliness and appearance of the vehicle, including its less visible parts.

Cons of Underbody Car Wash

  • Cost: Underbody car washes at specialized facilities may incur additional costs compared to standard car washes.
  • Accessibility: Some undercarriage areas may be challenging to reach, requiring specialized equipment for thorough cleaning.
  • Frequency: Vehicle owners may need to schedule underbody car washes more frequently, especially in regions with harsh weather conditions.
  • Environmental Impact: The use of water and cleaning agents in the wash process may contribute to environmental concerns, depending on local regulations and practices.
  • DIY Challenges: Performing a thorough underbody car wash at home can be challenging without proper equipment and may not be as effective as professional services.
  • Time Consumption: Underbody car washes may take longer than standard exterior washes, requiring additional time and effort.
  • Limited Visibility: Despite regular cleaning, some components may still be difficult to inspect visually, potentially leading to issues going unnoticed.

How an Underbody Car Wash Works?

An underbody car wash typically involves a specific process to clean the underside of a vehicle. Below is a step-by-step explanation:

Working of a Underbody Car Washing
Working of an Underbody Car Washing
  • Preparation: The vehicle is positioned over a designated area or a pit that allows easy access to the undercarriage.
  • High-Pressure Rinse: A high-pressure water jet is used to rinse off loose dirt, mud, and debris from the undercarriage. This step helps remove the initial layer of contaminants.
  • Application of Cleaning Solution: A specialized cleaning solution, often designed to break down road grime and salt deposits, is applied to the undercarriage. This solution helps in loosening and lifting stubborn contaminants.
  • Brushing or Agitation: In some cases, I’ve seen brands using brushes or agitating devices that help scrub away the loosened dirt. These tools are designed to reach areas that might be harder to clean with just water.
  • High-Pressure Rinse (Again): Another round of high-pressure water is used to thoroughly rinse off the cleaning solution and dislodge contaminants. This step ensures that all loosened debris is washed away.
  • Drainage: The water and dislodged dirt are allowed to drain away from the vehicle, often through a grated floor or a drainage system in the wash bay.
  • Drying: The vehicle may be moved to a drying area or allowed to air dry. In some cases, compressed air may be used to remove excess water from crevices and hard-to-reach areas.
  • Final Inspection: A visual inspector makes sure that the undercarriage is clean and free from visible contaminants – soil, mud, etc.

Tips for Vehicle Owners during Underbody Car Washing

  • Choose a Specialized Service: For thorough underbody cleaning, you should only consider using a professional car wash service with specialized equipment.
  • Regular Inspections: Take the opportunity to visually inspect the undercarriage for any signs of damage or issues while cleaning.
  • Mind the Frequency: Adjust the frequency of underbody washes based on local weather conditions, road salt use, and driving habits. I suggest keeping it once 6 six months or depending on your road conditions/lifestyle.
  • Use a Cloth: Dry the vehicle using any big piece of cloth to prevent waterlogging on tight spots.
  • Start at the Top: Just like washing, start drying from the top and work your way down to avoid water streaks.
  • Consider a Drying Aid: Use a quick detailer or drying aid to add a layer of protection and enhance the vehicle’s shine.
  • Protective Coatings: Consider applying wax or a sealant to protect the paint and provide a glossy finish. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for application.
  • Clean Wheels Last: Save the wheels for last to prevent brake dust and grime from splattering onto a freshly cleaned vehicle.

Type of Underbody Car Washing System

Below are different types of underbody car washes, and the choice often depends on the car wash facility and the equipment they use. Here are some common types:

1. Manual Underbody Car Wash

Manual Underbody Car Wash
Manual Underbody Car Wash

In this type, an attendant manually uses high-pressure hoses or wands to spray water and cleaning solutions onto the undercarriage. Brushes or agitating tools may also be employed to manually scrub away dirt and debris.

2. Automated Underbody Car Wash

Automated Underbody Car Wash
Automated Underbody Car Wash

Automated car wash systems often include underbody cleaning as one of their features. The vehicle is typically driven onto a conveyor belt, and as it moves through the wash, automated high-pressure jets and nozzles target the undercarriage.

3. Touchless Underbody Car Wash

Touchless car washes use high-pressure water and cleaning solutions without brushes or physical contact with the vehicle. These systems rely on powerful jets to remove dirt and contaminants from the undercarriage.

4. In-Ground Underbody Car Wash

Person washing vehicle's underbody
A person washing a vehicle’s underbody

Some car wash facilities have in-ground pits that allow easy access to the undercarriage. The vehicle is parked over the pit, and an attendant or automated system cleans the underbody from below.

5. Self-Service Underbody Car Wash

Certain self-service car wash stations provide an option for underbody cleaning. Vehicle owners can use a high-pressure wand to spray water and cleaning solutions onto the undercarriage themselves.

6. Specialized Underbody Cleaning Systems

Some advanced car wash systems come with specialized underbody cleaning features, such as rotating brushes or oscillating arms that target specific areas of the undercarriage.

7. High-Pressure Water Jet Systems

High-pressure water jet systems are commonly used in underbody car washes. These systems use powerful streams of water to dislodge dirt and contaminants from the undercarriage.

8. Combined Underbody and Wheel Cleaning

Some car washes integrate underbody cleaning with wheel and tire cleaning features, providing a comprehensive wash for the lower parts of the vehicle.

Underbody Car Wash at Home vs Dedicated Facility

Car Wash at Home vs Dedicated Facility
Comparison of Car Wash facility and home
AspectsHomeCar Wash Facility
Equipment and TechnologyLimited access to professional-grade equipment.Utilizes specialized, high-pressure equipment and advanced technology designed for undercarriage cleaning.
ExpertiseDepends on the individual’s knowledge and experience.Staffed by trained professionals with expertise in underbody car wash techniques.
EffectivenessMay be less effective in removing tough dirt and debris.Typically, more effective due to specialized equipment and trained personnel.
Time and EffortRequires personal time and effort.Quick and efficient; the process is usually faster with professional equipment.
FrequencyFrequency may be inconsistent; depends on individual schedules.Encourages regular maintenance with convenient and accessible services, promoting more consistent underbody cleaning.
Environmental ImpactDIY methods may involve water wastage and improper chemical disposal.Professional facilities often implement eco-friendly practices and proper disposal methods, reducing environmental impact.
CostLower initial cost but may require investment in equipment.Higher initial cost, but avoids the need to purchase specialized equipment; pay-per-use or subscription models are common.
Risk of DamagePotential risk of using incorrect cleaning products or techniques.Lower risk, as professionals are trained to minimize the risk of damage to the vehicle’s undercarriage.
ConvenienceConvenience of washing at home, but may be time-consuming.Provides a convenient and time-efficient option, especially for those with busy schedules.
Results and QualityResults may vary based on individual skill and effort.Consistent and high-quality results due to professional equipment and expertise.
Additional ServicesLimited to basic underbody cleaning.Often offers additional services like rust protection, undercoating, and inspections.

Price of Underbody Car Wash

Underbody car wash prices start from $5 and go up to $30 or more. Subscription services with underbody wash options also exist.

Car Wash FacilityPrice Range
Automatic Car Wash$5 to $15
Self-Service Car Wash$1 to $2 per minute
Specialized Car Wash Facility$15 to $30 or more
Subscription/MembershipVaries (monthly fee)
Note: Consider factors like location and promotions for the most cost-effective choice.


Why is an underbody car wash important?

The underbody of your car is highly susceptible to damage from road salt, mud, and debris. If left uncleaned, these elements can lead to rust and corrosion, compromising the structural integrity of your vehicle. Underbody car wash is crucial to remove these contaminants, ensuring the longevity and performance of your car.

Can you perform an underbody car wash at home?

Yes, you can perform an underbody car wash at home. It’s advisable to use a pressure washer or a hose with sufficient pressure to dislodge accumulated dirt and debris. However, professional facilities often have specialized equipment, such as undercarriage wands, that provide a more thorough cleaning.

How often should you wash the underbody?

The frequency of car wash depends on various factors, including your location, climate, and driving conditions. In areas with heavy road salt use or coastal regions, it’s recommended to wash the underbody several times a year, especially after winter or periods of inclement weather.

Can I use any soap or shampoo for the underbody car wash?

While you can use soap or shampoo, it’s essential to choose a product specifically designed for car washing. Harsh chemicals can damage the undercarriage and compromise any protective coatings. Opt for a pH-balanced car wash soap to ensure effective cleaning without causing harm to your vehicle.

Does underbody car wash prevent rust completely?

While underbody car wash significantly reduces the risk of rust and corrosion, it doesn’t guarantee complete prevention. Regular cleaning, coupled with additional measures such as rust inhibitors and protective coatings, enhances your vehicle’s resistance to rust.

How does a professional underbody car wash differ from a DIY wash?

Professional underbody car wash facilities use high-pressure equipment and specialized tools designed for thorough undercarriage cleaning. They may also offer additional services like rust protection and inspections, providing a level of care and expertise that might be challenging to achieve with a DIY approach.

Are there eco-friendly options for underbody car wash?

Yes, many professional car wash facilities implement eco-friendly practices. These may include water recycling systems, biodegradable cleaning agents, and other environmentally conscious measures. Look for car wash options that prioritize sustainability if you’re concerned about the environmental impact.

How long does it take to get an underbody car wash at a professional facility?

The duration of a professional underbody car wash can vary but is generally quick. Depending on the facility and the services you choose, the process can take anywhere from 10 to 30 minutes, providing a time-efficient solution for maintaining your vehicle.

Is an underbody car wash necessary for all types of vehicles?

Yes, underbody car wash is beneficial for all types of vehicles, including cars, trucks, and SUVs. It is particularly important in regions with harsh weather conditions or heavy road salt use, as these factors can accelerate the corrosion process. Regular underbody cleaning is a proactive measure to protect your vehicle and maintain its resale value over time.


An Underbody car wash is not just about appearance; it’s a key practice in preserving your vehicle’s health. Whether done at home or through professional services, regular undercarriage maintenance shields against rust, corrosion, and extends your vehicle’s lifespan.

Important Tip: After a wash, consider applying a rust inhibitor or undercoating for added protection, ensuring your vehicle stays resilient against the elements.

Written by Shailesh Thakran

Hi, I'm think tank behind Throttlebias. I love blogging, mainly about Automobiles. Via Throttlebias, I want to educate & share in-depth articles about Car Detailing and related areas. Outside Throttlebias, I love to write marketing & stuff.

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